The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19192 Message #195502
Posted By: GUEST
15-Mar-00 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lord Thomas & Fair Annie (Child #73)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Lord Thomas & Fair Annie
I'm not an unidentified guest, since I've signed with my name, Roberto. No doubt the version of "Lord Thomas and Fair Annie" that I am looking for is number 73 in Child collection. Ewan MacColl recorded it without instrumental accompaniment on the first volume of his three-volumes "English and Scottish Popular Ballads", Folkways, F-3509, and with instrumental accompaniment and backing choruses by Peggy Seeger in his "Classic Scots Ballads", where it is the last track. The Tradition LP (I'm talking about the one with Aikendrum; Hughie Graeme; The False Lover Won Back; The Elfin Knight; I Once Loved a Lass; Mormond Braes etc) has recently being reissued on CD.In my opinion, MacColl's version is better than the others I know, with a beautiful tune and fine lyrics.I do hope doesterr or some other helpful person will find the record and write down the lyrics. Otherwise, I can write down the words I got, and hope somebody will help me fill in the gaps.Please, don't surrender! Thank you. Roberto