The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19208   Message #195514
Posted By: GUEST
15-Mar-00 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: Music Teaching Tips....again.
Subject: RE: Music Teaching Tips....again.

Before you hit "Submit" and after you've pasted it into your post, put a "<", then an "I" then a ">" just before the passage you want to italicize. No spaces, and leave out all the quotations. That was just for illustrative purposes.

When you reach the end of the passage you want to italicize, put a "<" then a "/" then an "I" then a ">" Again, no spaces, no quotations.

The real html wizards can put all those symbols together to show you how the command actually looks. I ain't a wizard, obviously. But it should (if this works) look like: <"I"in here> at the beginning ..then <"/I"> to close.
