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Thread #98575   Message #1955521
Posted By: Scrump
02-Feb-07 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: At the Job Centre
Subject: RE: BS: At the Job Centre
I sympathise with what you say above, bubblyrat.

When I was made redundant a few years ago, I had a fair amount of dosh as redundancy pay, having been with the company a long time. I was told I had to sign on for JSA, or my NI contributions would not get paid. I didn't actually want the JSA, partly because I didn't need it, and partly as a matter of personal pride, I suppose, as I'd never claimed any dole money before, having worked for 30+ years and paid my NI and tax in full.

I hated being signed on, because they treated me like s**t, and I had to attend the weekly grilling (what jobs had I applied for? what interviews, etc.). The JSA was around 50 quid and nowhere near enough for anyone to live on (except maybe a kid living at home with their parents rent-free), and like I said, I'd gladly have foregone it to escape from the demeaning experience of being signed on.

Even when I went on holiday for week, I had to arrange to visit the Job Centre. I don't think I was allowed to go abroad, although I'm not 100% sure about that (do they have Job Centres in other countries?) and it didn't arise during my time signed on.

After 6 months they stopped the 50 quid payments, but I still had to attend because of the NI situation. If you don't pay them, or have them paid for you, you lose out when you retire (although by the time I retire I don't expect there will be any money left for a pension anyway, so I don't know why I bothered).

I found out afterwards, I could have made up the NI contribs myself in cash. If I'd known what I now know, I'd have done that as the lesser of 2 evils. Thankfully I now have a job, so it's in the past for me, but I certainly didn't enjoy the experience and feel sorry for others who have to go through it.