The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95631   Message #1956714
Posted By: Murray MacLeod
03-Feb-07 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: YouTube Folkmusic Video PermaThread
Subject: RE: YouTube Folkmusic Video PermaThread
Thank you Joe, for fixing that glitch. I will also follow up on your suggestion in the PM.

Now then, Reggie. First of all I would like to point out that I did say in my previous post that we should discuss this by PM, but since you have chosen to go public, well, so be it.

The fact is, I think you are almost certainly capable of much better than what that video shows. Would you say, hand on heart, that that video shows you at your best ?

The fact that the song is of historical significance is not in question but that is not the point at issue. For the video to be of historical significance it would need to be a video of the original composer, or else a very early and rare performance (eg the Peter Paul and Mary performance of "The Times They are a Changing" noted above)

The opening post of this thread was posted up almost four months ago.

Originally I wanted to make this a thread a symposium purely and simply of superb musical performances of the music which I know, love and understand, but I was persuaded to open it up to much wider criteria. So, as far as the the African, World, McGrath categories are concerned, I just stick the links in without any judgment, because I do not consider myself qualified to make any judgment in these categories.

In the other categories, however, I do consider myself qualified to make an "artistic judgment" as to whether the video should be listed or not.

I hope, Reggie, that you will soon come up with a video which will display your talents to their full and I will be more than happy to include it on this thread.