The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98675   Message #1956987
Posted By: GUEST,ozchick
03-Feb-07 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Scarey New Yorkers...
Subject: RE: Scarey New Yorkers...
I went to London last year for a holiday and used the Tube all the time cos its a great way to get around, but i can tell you if someone had taken my photo, my face would have looked very scared - because i WAS!!! Scared that I was on the wrong train, scared that i'd miss my stop, scared that someone would blow up the train.... All in all it was a GREAT experience, and i'd go back tomorrow!

What i'd like to know is what permission did this guy have to take these shots? If the people didn't know he even had a camera... did he approach them after taking the photo, or do they not realise that people all over the world are now looking at pictures of them?