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Thread #68750   Message #1957006
Posted By: GUEST,Who I AM
03-Feb-07 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost
Subject: The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost/Spirit
.    For all who shall read this posting, you will be few if any, deserve, but perhaps may not be prepared to know this. The trinity is not important. Only I AM's name has power, and only when spoken. Truly, the human mind has neither the capacity nor the potential to understand I AM when leaning unto its own understanding, which its own understanding is perhaps the greatest illusion of all, the Adversary. For if humanity had the ability, would not an ultimate answer be created by humans that satisfies all who inquire? Our ways are not I AM's ways, and I AM's ways are not ours. Many have tried to explain I AM, but no one has succeeded in providing any one single explanation that will satisfy all who inquire.

    For your efforts, I offer my feeble attempt:

    I am a father, I am a son, and I am a husband. However, I am one man. I hold many titles, but those aforementioned are the ones I hold truest. Acting the part of each title, I perform different tasks, but I am the same person. None of those titles would get my individual attention, if someone were to call to me in a crowd of other men using only those titles. Try using my name. To me it is the most powerful word in the world. Call me by my name, and I will answer you.

    In the same way I AM is The Father, is The Son, and is The Holy Ghost/Spirit, titles to which when acting I AM performs individual tasks. However, I AM is one entity, and I AM has a name, and those who call it in faith, which is to believe certainly and absolutely in something that you have no proof, other than "The Word" that it exists, shall behold the power. Many cannot wield it, and perhaps that is why it is so illusive, and justly so.

    Consider yourself blessed if you read this and understand. Anyone, as proof from the many who posted to this thread, who ask humanity for answers can ultimately only get more confusion. The Word says earnestly seek wisdom, and you will find it. Wisdom is freely given by I AM, only ask for wisdom with a pure heart. Be warned, to increase knowledge is to increase sorrow. "Ignorance is bliss" and laughter is a fool's wage. Wisdom, in the form of knowledge of the gates location, combined with possession of the key, and the willingness to take and successfully make the journey to the gate are required before one can enter into the kingdom, and truly know who I AM.

    Those who read let them understand, and give to others as freely as it was given. Those who willfully do evil, confound, and do not let them give to others who willfully do evil.

In my house, peace shall reign.