its a worthy cause, this "folk" search, because the clearing house approach of taking anything people are interested in brings up questions, and brings together differences. This is stimlulating and fun if we don't get opinions confused with facts. Music thrives on subjective opinions, and this is good. Folks who know what they like abound, but folks who know why,...well not so many.It is apparent that many different kinds of "folk music" exist, and that not all of them have agreeable adherents. I could almost believe it if someone said that the chord Bminor was a real turn off for them, and that if a song came on with that chord in it they would storm out. Hmmmm.
Folk enthusiasts are not all open minded I guess.
But I still hold to the ideas of diversity and common interest, and I love a show that has hymns, labor songs, blues, swing, broadside ballads, sea shanties, etc... ad infinit-a-culturinitem... Also, mood changes are refreshing, and make any show more interesting. Long live emotional diversity!
new age, old age........ let's enjoy a song........ happy, sad, love , rage......... life is hard,... not long. (%