The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98675   Message #1957782
Posted By: able
04-Feb-07 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: Scarey New Yorkers...
Subject: RE: Scarey New Yorkers...
I haven't been to New York in years, memories are people passed out in doorways 2 blocks off of Times Square, cab drivers at Times Square who couldn't find the major airports, cab drivers at the major air ports that couldn't find Times square. The general fatigue of everything including our hotel, stripped cars, the man assiduously mowing his 3 foot wide lawn. A talk show in Toronto when a woman called in to say that if they could build the black box to survive an air crash, then why couldn't they build the whole plane that way. (100 million tons?) People who live in cities to remain anonymous usually should live in cities. They have my sympathy and confusion. In New York we stopped in at a delli and I asked the man who served us how can you people live like this. His reply, if you don't know any better it's alright, and that's when I wanted to shove his sleeve up to see if there was a serial number tatooed on the inside of his forearm, because he spoke with the accent of the Jews that you see in the movies. Perhaps, we are as weird as them from their standpoint, I CAN hope that we aren't.