The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19233   Message #195859
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
15-Mar-00 - 11:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mudcat Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: The Mudcat Tavern
What ho, Lords and Ladies? Pray tap yon publican on the shoulder of his tattered shirtsleeve
and by so doing draw his gaze from the teasing red-lipped vixen
Who through display of various savory wares hath mislead him from the valiant weilding
Of th' various pumps and handles that doth compose the hardware of his employment!
And now, having at last gained his all-wandering eye, I must call
Hither, good fellow! Some of the nectar of the gods is my aim!
Draw for me a brimming cup that I might quaff deeply!
Oh, and if you've got change for a fiver I'll get some tunes going on the jukebox...
