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Thread #97835   Message #1958680
Posted By: Captain Ginger
06-Feb-07 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Terry, I don't think you've hear me calling for an immediate withdrawal of US troops, have you?
Such a move would indeed precipitate bloodshed on a dreadful scale. Having completely wrecked the infrastructure, failed to install an effective administration and factionalised thousands with its disastrous invasion, the US has no option but to hang on and try to clean up the mess it has created.
It will cost the lives of many more American youngsters, and man, many more Iraqis, and the standing of the US internationally will remain at a nadir for many years to come, but it's tough shit for the Bush administration.
The only hope that I can see is for a new administration to make a 'clean break' with the infantile policies of the Bush presidency and hope that various factions can be brought to negotiate a settlement which will enable, eventually, US troops to come home without creating a bloody mess.
Such a move will have to involve the wider Middle East, and particuarly address the legitimacy of Hamas, the continued funding of Israel, perceived bellicocity towards Iran and the toadying to a vile Saudi regime.
Quite simply, the US has to persuade the world that it really doesn't want to swagger across the globe like a testosterone-fuelled LAPD cop swinging a night-stick, invoking Christianity and denigrating differing viewpoints in pursuit of nothing more than its own self-interest.
Such shows of military machismo may give chairborne warriors like Terry and Dickey a bit of a stiffy, but they don't do much for the poor sods involved.
The US has to wake up and work with the UN instead of pissing on it from a great height. To start spending money on aid rather than weapons. And to sever once and for all the ties between policy-makers and the neo-cons who dragged the country into this mess in the first place.
It is rather sad how the rest of the world regards the USA now, and it's an attitude that brings out the worst in the redneck element - 'We don't want to be liked by faggot liberals...we're the boss...' and other pathetic posturings seem to have become all too common.
Interesting to see what the Chinese make of it in the medium to longer term.