The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #1958963
Posted By: Teribus
06-Feb-07 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
No comment or answer for Guest Dickey's question then Carrots?

As to your rant:

"I don't think you've hear me calling for an immediate withdrawal of US troops, have you?"

True - Now who said that YOU did?

"Having completely wrecked the infrastructure,"

That was done during "Desert Storm" by Coalition Forces and further worsened by Saddam Hussein in its aftermath. The 2003 campaign targeted very little of the infrastructure of Iraq due mainly to the fact that the MNF commanders knew that they would rely on such to be intact and in place in order that their own troops could use it - that was not the case during Desert Storm, such use was not envisaged.

"...failed to install an effective administration"

Sorry old son that was not and never was to be the job of the US, that was something that the Iraqi people had to do for themselves. Many anti-war protesters on this forum are down on record as saying thet the CPA was here to stay, when that passed into history as predicted and on time, the next cry was that the "puppet" Interim Government of Iraq would remain in place and do the bidding of the USA, a constitution was drafted and approved and finally democratic elections were held (According to Jimmy Carter) and an Iraqi Government was elected to replace the Interim Government - Not to point out the obvious, Carrots, but it is their job to install an effective administration.

"...and factionalised thousands with its disastrous invasion,"

Iraq was factionalised at its inception - period. Saddam Hussein held it together in latter years by killing on average between 154 and 282 Iraqi's every day, the country was united by terror.

"...the US has no option but to hang on and try to clean up the mess it has created."

I believe that has always been completely understood from day one and has been accepted by anybody who has got any clue as to what this has been about (I believe that my own prediction on timescale was somewhere between 15 to 20 years).

"It will cost the lives of many more American youngsters, and many, many more Iraqis,"


"....and the standing of the US internationally will remain at a nadir for many years to come, but it's tough shit for the Bush administration."

And where was it before Carrots? I once asked before could you see anybody attempting a Tehran Embassy heist today? With Jimmy Carter as President, I'm amazed that it didn't happen every week. Another couple of questions for you Carrots, how many US Embassies have been bombed since 911? When and how many were bombed before 911? ANYBODY on earth now knows for certain that NOBODY can attack, or threaten to attack the United States of America with impunity, because they clearly understand that retribution will follow fast and hard.

"The only hope that I can see is for a new administration to make a 'clean break' with the infantile policies of the Bush presidency and hope that various factions can be brought to negotiate a settlement which will enable, eventually, US troops to come home without creating a bloody mess."

As has been clearly pointed out on this thread, the identification of Iraq as a potential threat to the US and the desirability of Regime Change in Iraq, where all inherited from the previous Clinton Administration. The attacks of 911 and the subsequent re-evaluation of threat caused the current President to do something about Iraq. He went to the UN, telling them very clearly, you act to resolve all outstanding matters or we will do it without you.

"..the legitimacy of Hamas,"

Until such time as Hamas unequivocally recognises Israel's right to exist, no-one can recognise the legitimacy of Hamas, as Israel, as a sovereign state, is recognised by the UN and is protected by the Charter of the United Nations - The ball is in their (Hamas's) court and has been for over a year now, high time that the "leadership" of Hamas started demonstrating and implementing some (leadership, that is).

"The US has to wake up and work with the UN instead of pissing on it from a great height."

Eh? No, Carrots - It is high time that the UN, or more correctly, the member states of the UN should get their noses out of the trough and start the attempt of living up to the ideals of the organisation that they are so keen to be a member of. Kofi Annan - Darfur - greatest single human tragedy facing mankind - that said how many years ago Carrots? - Now exactly what has the UN done about it? - Damn all, and it's not going to do anything either.

"It is rather sad how the rest of the world regards the USA now,"

Very little difference really Carrots, there are a few who have realised the massive contribution that the US in the past has contributed to the freedom of the world, there have been the same few who have given the USA credit for the contributions made to various disasters. There have always been more who denigrated the US and attempted to pull it down, pointing to the thousands killed because of US "meddling", while quietly ignoring the millions killed because of Soviet or Chinese Communism "meddling" during the "cold war" era. The USA has always been envied, Carrots, often hated even, but please don't ever kid yourself that it has ever been loved by the world.

"Interesting to see what the Chinese make of it in the medium to longer term."

Certainly interesting Carrots, if it were the US cosying up to the "dictators" of Africa and elsewhere, the likes of Ron Davies, Dianavan and yourself would be up in arms about it - OK for China though, as somehow that is to the detriment of the USA and should be universally welcomed.