The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98661   Message #1959393
Posted By: dermod in salisbury
06-Feb-07 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: categorisation of music
Subject: RE: categorisation of music
As somebody earlier said, language is a collection of labels. It gives you a shortcut to current perceptions. But the wise person is always wary and questions received ideas. If you start from scratch, then folk music is properly that which can be felt and expressed, and passed on with minimum education and instruments. The next layer is what people with aptitude and experience and some degree of learning and good tools can add to the basics (most folk music as we now understand it and most country, jazz and pop). Thirdly, there is music as an advanced art form requiring much training and skill (here the listener usually has to share some training in order to meet the music half way). I agree with what somebody said that labels help you avoid buying tickets for he wrong concert. But that is about it they do. I dislike and distrust most of the musical distinctions that are current.