The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98772   Message #1959744
Posted By: katlaughing
06-Feb-07 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
Ummm, I think she has gone off to bed with a hat and many layers, folks. And, she will get it sorted, I am sure.

Electric blanket and light bulbs...that's what I forgot!**bg**

We lived all winter in Wyoming, out on the ranch about 15 miles from town without anything but one woodburing stove for heat. We didn't even have a cooking stove as the gas line which fueled it and our furnace was cut when they put in the water lines that fall. We had big open rooms off of one long hallway. We put the stove in the kitchen in line with the hallway with our bedroom at the far end and the kids in between. With the fire stoked high at night and a fan pushing the air our way, electric blankets, plenty of cats and a dog, we all survived and it was a tough winter with lots of snow, cold, and wind. That was our last winter there, though. We moved to New England the next summer for a better job.:-)