The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98749   Message #1959886
Posted By: GUEST,Texas Guest
06-Feb-07 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Subject: RE: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Well, let's see here - just a short time back (ten days or so) our
multi-talented Gov'nor made the front page of the "Startle-Gram" by coming out publicly with two of his cohorts proclaiming that global warming is not the fault of man, and besides, it's not happening anyway. I thought at the time that we should thank our heavenly stars down here for having elected officials who just so happened to be scientists, too! What luck, huh? Just in time, too, before we do something really drastic like cleaning up our foul air down here and
penalizing corporate violators. We couldn't do that down here in good ole Texas - might just cause a decline in pediatric (and adult, for that matter) asthma, and where would that leave the drug companies?   

Now it seems we're twice-blessed - Ol Gov Perry's a doctor, too.
From our house the issue is not whether he is right or wrong, rather,
that he is out of line. My wife has been a pediatric nurse for twenty-five years and we don't go to the governor's office for medical advice and we don't go to her doctor group for political opinions (besides, her group of twelve pedi-docs are all republicans anyway, except for the one she works with).

Rick Bush, doesn't give a rat's ass about clean air, state-wide healthcare, our bleeding border, or any other issue that
doesn't resolve in a good healthy profit for those businesses that
are supporting his party and their ilk. By the way, my wife's
pediatric group has decided NOT to vaccinate - they are not even going to order the drug. Hey, Molly - send us down a write on this one, darling. Cheers.