The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98772   Message #1959919
Posted By: Partridge
07-Feb-07 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
Subject: RE: BS: Central heating bust - am freezing
Thanks for the positive thoughts - I'm a huge believer in stuff like that. Alba, much love and abundance right back at you. (sorry cant do fancy red rolling writing, just pretend you can see it)

iTS 5.40am here and everything is covered in a thick white frost, luckily thats only outside!

The boiler is 30 years old and was going to be replaced this spring anyway(when in funds)Can anyone recommend a good efficient one?
First the pump went about a 6 weeks ago, the system still warmed the water and the kitchen. Then about three weeks ago it stopped firing up at all. Its been looked at by a plumber friend and its a no hoper.

I tried the thin layers last night and felt comfortable enough to sleep soundly.
The worst thing is getting out of the shower, which I'm mentally gearing myself up for in about an hours time.

If it gets any colder here I will have to vote with my feet and stay with a friend until in ends.

Thanks for the link to old thread, some interesting ideas there.

As a woman of a certain age I've been having power surges on a regular basis, but they have abandoned me in my hour of need! bugger!!

Thanks for your concern, I feel warmer already


Pat xx