The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98749   Message #1960096
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
07-Feb-07 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Subject: RE: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Why is it so difficult for people to set aside the sex component and simply look at the cancer component? The question is very easy: Do you want to prevent cancer in your children in the future, yes or no? You can't control when other people's children start having sex, you may have some influence with your own. Do you think other people's children deserve to get cancer because they become sexually active very young? That's as stupid a binary as I can up with in the face of this bickering to make the point.

Stop the idiotic hand wringing and finger pointing about when kids start experimenting with sex or what does and doesn't give them "permission." Do you want to prevent a form of cancer that kills women? This vaccine is how to do it. Period.
