The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98749   Message #1961399
Posted By: GUEST,Local Yokel
08-Feb-07 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Subject: RE: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Give me control of the books, graphs and figures and I'll make a case for anything you want. The govt can't be trusted to tell the truth. It is not in its interest to tell the truth.

The listeria spray was begun because 500 a year die from eating bologna sandwiches they left out in the sun all day. The govt told us it was time to put a stop to the "epidemic," and their fix was to start tainting meat with a different kind of poison. 3000 a year die from a highly-treatable form of cancer, so they told us it was imperative that schoolgirls be given an experimental vaccine.

Here's an excerpt from a column about listeria by Molly Ivins:

"since Bush took office, "there has been a message from USDA that they would give the benefit of the doubt to the industry... Bush administration officials at USDA have consistently made clear they do not believe meat processors must be held accountable for the safety of meat coming off the end of the line. Since November 2001, the undersecretary for food safety has denigrated pathogen testing and zero tolerance. Both the industry and government have put profit ahead of public health."

So, the federal govt created a problem...higher level of listeria. Then they came along with the solution...dangerous spray-on bacteriophages for meats.

This is an age-old method that some people call the Hegelian dialectic, some call the Marxist dialectic. Thesis/Antithesis/synthesis. Problem/Reaction/Solution. With the listeria, federal cleanliness standards were allowed to fall so a problem could develop. People reacted by wanting protection. The solution was to poison the meat of the people wanting protection.

And the ultimate power govt can control over you is to kill you, which is where (in my studied opinion) the vaccination programs come in. If you took the polio vaccine between 1962-1999, it contained the carcinogen SV-40. Death by cancer. Anthrax shots during the Iraq war? Death by no-one-knows-what-yet. Injected with Rick Perry's Gardasil? Another unknown, because the stuff hasn't been tested adequately.

You can only be so safe in this life, folks, and the LAST people you want sticking you or your kids with needles are the Anglo-American eugenicists.