The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98749   Message #1961412
Posted By: Grab
08-Feb-07 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Subject: RE: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
The school children of Texas are now expected to recieve over 40 shots. Each one contains mercury. Most autism shows up after the third round of MMR shots. That's when the mercury overdose occurs, and either your body can handle it, or it can't. The link between autism and mercury is established. In the U.S. and abroad. There's widespread opposition to it in the U.K. One of the ministers even refused to have his kids innoculated.

Nope. Either you've failed to read any new information on this subject for the last 3-4 years, or you've only read information from people who've deliberately not told you any new information for the last 3-4 years. Or possibly you're lying, although I'll be charitable and forget that option for now.

The link between autism and vaccines has been 100% debunked. The scientist who proposed it *NEVER* said that there was a link, merely that it was worth further research after one study found the possibility of a link was within the statistical significance of the study. Further studies (including a nation-wide "study" in Japan, courtesy of an accident of fate) found categorically that there was no link. This all came out 2-3 years ago. For those who haven't kept up with the news, a good summary at

If we're talking about "beating them with facts", it'd be nice if folks actually *used* facts, instead of quoting discredited hypotheses as facts. It'd also be nice if people stayed on topic - as far as I can see, all the posts from Peace and Yokel recently are saying "people lied several decades ago, so they might be lying now". Sure they might be. But suppose you had something wrong with you. Would you rather rely on a whole stack of studies by people with medical training that have been peer-reviewed and replicated in other studies by other people with medical training, or would you rather try random Angelfire pages written by people with little or no medical training? If you prefer the latter, I've got a lovely bridge you can buy...
