The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19294   Message #196258
Posted By: Elektra
16-Mar-00 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: Newbies vs Old-timers
Subject: RE: Newbies vs Old-timers
MMario --

While I DO, in many cases agree with you, Re: infrequent updates, my point was that since all the links would be internal, i.e. to other pages in the FAQ, or to threadid's, broken links shouldn't be a problem as a rule.

The only time that is might be an issue was if at some point Max changed the URL for threads and/or made some MAJOR changes to the site, thus rendering significant portions of the FAQ obsolete. At that point, if no one was willing to update the FAQ it could always be removed again. Not that I feel this is by any means the best solution... but anyway, I would probably be willing to do it then, too.
