The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92840   Message #1962587
Posted By: Azizi
09-Feb-07 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Name That Mudcatter II
Subject: RE: BS: Name That Mudcatter II
Greetings, Mudcatters, one and all.

I'm just popping in from the once but no longer smokey city to see how all is faring in the BS world below.

Since I launched this Mudcat game so many months ago much has happened in the land of Mudville. And for reasons known and guessed at, I have decided to limit my voyages to the threads down under to once in a every blue moon when something strikes my fancy or tugs my strings or gets my goat.

While I was lurking in the downthreads, I noticed on 04 Feb 07 - 02:51 PM that heric-for reasons only he knows- had refreshed this thread, thus reactivating The Game. I'm glad to know that folks may still be interested in playing This Game, but, in case anyone was wondering,I feel the need to inform you that I have stepped away from my editor's chair, never to sit there again.

If heric or someone else wants to edit the "Name That Mudcatter: Guide For The Perplexed", Seventh Edition, I shall be very happy to see that effort continue.

If no one wants to edit any new Editions then so be it. I suppose it is possible for this thread to do what ever it wants to do without any supervision at all. It might be chaotic, but it also might turn out to be quite an interesting experiment. Perhaps no one will be perplexed, or perhaps perplexion will be thought of as a good thing.

Be that as it may or may not be, my Name That Mudcatter days are over. It was fun. I enjoyed it. I learned a lot of interesting facts about people I have come to know by more than name only.

But I'm in serious mode right now. Perhaps in time, I'll be less serious. I certainly hope so.

So until that time,

Best wishes to all, and to all a good night!

[Who said that? ....Ignore that question].
