The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98798   Message #1963774
Posted By: Blindlemonsteve
11-Feb-07 - 04:00 AM
Thread Name: British Rock n Roll
Subject: RE: British Rock n Roll
My point about Cliff and the Drifters being the first true British RnR band is that, although Tommy Steele had what is known as our first RnR hit, he wasnt really a RnR artist, "Rock with the Caveman" is a very weak song, its a record company contrived piece of garbage really, all his RnR records were. He was placed to get teenagers to spend theyre new found wealth...he was a 1950´s version of an Xfactor winner. but probably more forgettable. They all were untill Cliff and the Drifters arrived. I personally think that those early RnR hits like "Rock around the Clock" "Rock with the Caveman" etc etc, are more swing/big band orientated. My personal favourite by Billy Fury is "Wonderous Place" it still sounds fresh today, if he sung the killer lyric any slower it would be a ballad, if he sang it any faster it would be a pop song, he gets it smack on......although i love him doing "Dont Knock Upon My Door"   fantastic stuff....