The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19295   Message #196396
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Mar-00 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: St Pat's Day in the Mudcat Tavern
Subject: RE: St Pat's Day in the Mudcat Tavern
Hi gang....once again I see the ususal suspects........the smell? Well it seems Cleigh has gas and uh.....(rip)..well like I said, that proves it. It must be something he got (rip) into ...CLEIGH!!!Enough already.......I dunno what it was (poot) but it su....DAMMIT CLEIGH!!!....Take it outside with the flamingos............uh....So who painted the flamindos green??? ...........WEll Os you sure as hell are gonna' be initiated if you eat that freakin' JELLO!!! Geeziz, do you know where that stuff has been??? And that ain't black vile stuff in the pit, or at least not THE black vile stuff...more like well used jello.......Used by WHAT I have no idea but I...BBARRRAAAMMMPPPPHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOSH....Holy Christ, what was that????........Aw geez Meebo...well you didn't have much hair anyway......Betcha' won't be lightin' no more possum farts for awhile.............So set me up with a Jack huh.......little bit of ice please.......and give Meebo some ice for those scalp burns..............
