The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98915   Message #1964287
Posted By: alanabit
11-Feb-07 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Positive things about US presidents
Subject: BS: Positive things about US presidents
With all the negativity and unkind things, which can be said about current and former US presidents, I thought it would nice to have a thread on which we can list all the positive characteristics of those who hold, or have held this office:
Good things you can say about presidents:
Calvin Coolidge – it does not take you long to learn all the interesting things he said.
Richard Nixon – his speeches were not overfilled with tedious facts. He loved his dog.
Ronald Reagan – he never over intellectualised in his speeches.
George Bush Snr – his wife did not go into politics.
Bill Clinton – we got to know all the stuff about him that was none of our business.
George Bush Jnr – combined the intellect of Ronald Reagan with the moral authority of Richard Nixon.