The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98915   Message #1964569
Posted By: John O'L
12-Feb-07 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Positive things about US presidents
Subject: RE: BS: Positive things about US presidents
From ABC news:

An adviser to Hilary Clinton, the Democrats' frontrunner in the presidential race, says Mr Howard's opinions do not matter.
"First of all, the Prime Minister has been a great friend of George Bush," Terry McAuliffe said.
"He has been with him locked-step from day one on this war on Iraq - he and George Bush, they can go off and talk to each other. We don't care what he says."

Maybe Mr. Bush will prove to have been instrumental in removing the most dangerous Prime Minister Australians have ever had to put up with.
(In a future thread on the good things done by Australian prime ministers, perhaps we will be able to report that Mr. Howard was able to reciprocate.)