The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98921   Message #1964613
Posted By: Alec
12-Feb-07 - 03:28 AM
Thread Name: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
Subject: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
This thread is not intended to be controversial or inflammatory.
I am simply somebody who does not "get" "Blowin' in the Wind".
I know these are not original observations but to my ears it is simply a list of rhetorical questions culminating in a phrase that is so vague & imprecise that it could mean whatever you wished it to.
And yet it seems to hold a special place in the affections of a great many people.
Is this because of the way it was picked up by Civil Rights movement, or is it because of some particular merit of the song which I have failed to notice?
This is a genuine enquiry.I would appreciate any & all views on the matter.
Over to you.