The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98921   Message #1965260
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Feb-07 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
Subject: RE: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
In answer to the original question. Yes. It's special because of its philosophical nature, which is brilliant...because of its brevity and simplicity...because of its historical timing, which was absolutely perfect (that's why it had such an impact)...and because of its universality (which will cause it to endure and be remembered)...and because musically and lyrically it works extremely well.

If you don't get it, perhaps you are being too literal and left-brain about the whole thing. It's not an instruction manual or a recipe for political action, it's a poem. Poems are meant to stir the heart and the soul, not to provide answers to theoretical questions in a logic class.

In any case, maybe you had to be there in the moment when it first happened. Maybe you were. But I don't know if you were or not.