The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98921   Message #1965394
Posted By: Jack Campin
12-Feb-07 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
Subject: RE: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
The "universality" of songs like this is simply keeping any statements vague enough that they don't offend anybody into not buying the thing.

The guy was a professional popster. The song made him a lot of money. If it had said anything genuinely uncomfortable about the US corporate mass-murder machine of the time - getting people to actually do something specific towards destroying it rather than just feel good and selfrighteous - it would have made him a lot less money. End of story.

I have never met a single person who did a single positive political act as a result of listening to anything Dylan wrote, and a hell of a lot who just sat at home listening to his dreamy waffle on their record players when they could have been out making a difference. The net political effect of his lifework is indistinguishable from Sinatra's.