The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98915   Message #1965426
Posted By: Amos
12-Feb-07 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Positive things about US presidents
Subject: RE: BS: Positive things about US presidents

I do not, as a rule, have to put others down in order to look good. I manage to look all right just on my own devices, although not anything particularly special, just okay enough. But Bush is the first President who was so transparently illiterate, uninformed, and incompetent at the evaluation of information that I felt completely confident in analyzing his flaws, so egregious were they, and commenting on his morals, so dubious were they.

I didn't bother with Nixon, as I had no interest. I thought LBJ was too crafty for me and didn;'t understand what he was doing. Under Carter I had my attention on other things. JFK outmatched me all over the place. This particular daisy, though, came on to the scene full ripe for plucking..."he thinketh...he thinketh NOT...he thinketh...he thinketh NOT...".