The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98921   Message #1965637
Posted By: Barry Finn
13-Feb-07 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
Subject: RE: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
Thanks Spaw for the hon. mention. It's getting a bit tiresome to be an aging radical, you'd think by now the bastards would give it up & make it easier on us elderly but no they gotta start "rolling out their guns again haroo haroo". Jesus, they still don't get it. How many songs does it take, how many roads must men walk & how many times must the cannonballs fly? And here we are, at it again, same old shit.

"And I would be interested in knowing how many of you Dylanologists lived through in the US and through the civil rights/vietnam era."

Well Guest Bob I lived through it, though sadly enough many didn't, I marched, I protested & I fought in the streets & did time for my part in it. My brother didn't fair as well. He fought & came home & has been lost ever since. You couldn't believe how angry it makes me to see it all happening again, for the same no good reason, power & greed! We are still asking the same questions today.

"BTW, it was a south vietnamese plan that dropped the napalm on the little girl, it was not an atrocity committed by the US military."

It's that the little girl suffered for no reason except that she was in the wrong spot at the wrong time, an innocent & those who were directing the death didn't give a sweet caring shit about her. It didn't matter who dropped the Balm it was ours & it was an awful act & it was for no good reason. "When Will We Ever Learn"? That catches in my throat today as much as much as the answer is "Blowing In The Wind" did 40 years ago!
