The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98921   Message #1965641
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Feb-07 - 01:17 AM
Thread Name: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
Subject: RE: Is 'Blowin in the Wind' special?
Wickipedia says this about Rod Stewart's version of "Forever Young": ("Forever Young" was an unconscious revision of Bob Dylan's song of the same name; the artists reached an agreement about sharing royalties.)

The Dylan song was recorded in 1974. The Rod Stewart song in 1988.

Unconscious? Yeah, maybe. It's clearly a reworking of the Dylan song, kind of like what would happen if someone had a really vague memory of a song they'd heard 15 years ago and they tried to recreate it from the fragments. Dylan's song was written for his children. Rod's sounds to me like it was intended to be one of those anthems that gets a stadium audience to all do "the wave" in unison. He's had a couple of others like that.