The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98598   Message #1965777
Posted By: bubblyrat
13-Feb-07 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Proof we are due for the big one
Subject: RE: BS: Proof we are due for the big one
What would happen in the USA, in any town,anywhere, if members of the public found what they,in their fear and innocence,took to be potential ( note;POTENTIAL ) explosive devices,called the police,and the police said not to worry,it"s OK,it"s a publicity stunt,there"s no danger, and then ---BANG !! ??? Would there not be a public outcry about the authorities not taking terrorism seriously ?? You BET there would !!! We are now living in the Real World,in which there are large numbers of angry Muslim fanatics, who actively teach their children that anyone who refuses to convert to Islam is a 'Non-Person' with no right to live,and that it is perfectly OK & permissable to kill them !! That is their interpretation of the Koran, & their mission in life is to accomplish the will of Allah.If it means killing women & children with home-made bombs in shopping Malls,then they will do it, and to their way of thinking,it will NOT be "wrong" or "Evil", or "Bad "------it will quite normal !! In the UK, if ANY kind of suspicious or unexplained package,particularly one with batteries,wires & flashing lights, is found anywhere NEAR a hospital,mall,school,or any other centre of population, there will very soon be police,bomb disposal experts, military engineers,marines,medics,& God knows who else running around,so nobody here would be so CRASSLY STUPID as to run an advertising stunt like the one you seem to have endured !!!!!Here in Europe, after 40 years of terrorism by the Red Brigade, the ETA, Bader -Meinhoff , the PLO,the IRA, EOKA,& various other seperatist militants, and now the Muslim Fanatics, we take our 'suspicious packages' very seriously indeed,and SO SHOULD YOU !!!