The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98949   Message #1966095
Posted By: r.padgett
13-Feb-07 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: unaccompanied and accompanied singing
Subject: RE: unaccompanied and accompanied singing
As an unaccompanied singer and a bad concertina player I have no option but to sing unaccompanied

I prefer to sing with one or two others in some sort of harmony choosing mainly traditional/similar songs with a social history/story line

However it is possible to entertain using voice only using story telling or patter and introductions to songs to help the night progress

I do take off my hat to those who continue to develop skills in playing instruments dancing learning songs and telling stories and monologuists who have been part and parcel of the folk scene for many years

The spoken/sung words though is in my view of primary importance and as Dick Miles says all the tricks of sung embelishment and phrasing using speech which is not restricted by instrumental arrangements will give fine details of meaning and feeling full appreciation
