The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75099   Message #1966567
Posted By: Teribus
13-Feb-07 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who's Next? Iran or Korea?
Subject: RE: BS: Who's Next? Iran or Korea?
dianavan - 13 Feb 07 - 11:38 AM

"What you have to understand about Teribus is that, after sending his son off to find glory on the battlefield, he has to defend that
choice. What else can a father do? Its a little late to admit that this might be an unjust war and that his son might be risking his life for no good reason."

Probably ranks as one of the most offensive posts that I have ever seen sent on this Forum, taking into account that it is to the parent whose child is in harms way, compounded by the fact that it uses information sent in confidence via the PM system - Utterly despicable.

"....after sending his son off to find glory on the battlefield" - I "sent my son off" ?? Your grounds for this outrageous remark dianavan are what? He is a professional soldier who knew exactly what could be asked of him from the day he thought about joining up. Exactly the same as I did before him. I am immensely proud of my son and of those who serve with him. I have got nothing but utter contempt for you dianavan, you are a complete and utter waste of space.

"Unjust war"? remember dianavan we are talking about the UN backed one here, besides which the current UN operations taking place in both Afghanistan and in Iraq are fully justified. While myself and others on this forum have explained our point of view and backed that point of view up with what we regard as the salient facts, you and those sharing your point of view have come up with absolutely nothing save tired, emotional rhetoric and a mass of anti-war, anti-Bush myths.

Jude, thank you for corroborating my final paragraph:

"As with most that veer to the populist chattering left, when actually challenged, having made the absolutely ludicrous statement that you did make, you shear off behind a smoke-screen of personal attack and mock indignation - but refuse to back up your idiotic statements."