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Thread #97480   Message #1966636
Posted By: GUEST,Ci Ci
13-Feb-07 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: The march on DC for Impeachment 3/17/07
Subject: RE: BS: The march on DC for Impeachment 3/17/07
Answer is a front for the WWPWWP. A communist, socialist, fusion of Trotsky, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung.
WWP's history of orthodox and problematic political positions. In 1956, WWP supported the Soviet invasion of Hungary, claiming the Hungarian striking workers were counterrevolutionary; in response to the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, WWP charged that protesters had launched violent attacks on the soldiers, provoking the military's actions; during the Bosnian war in the 1990s, WWP portrayed reports of atrocities and mass rape by the Serb forces as imperialist lies, and now supports Slobodan Milosevic in his battle against war crimes charges at The Hague. Ramsey Clark, the visible leader of the International Action Center, is a founder of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic, and has also provided legal representation for some accused of participating in the 1994 Rwandan genocide. He has more recently volunteered for Saddam Hussein's legal team.

Recently, Workers World has undergone a factional split, with a breakaway group apparently taking most of ANSWER with it. This has led the IAC and the faction that still calls itself Workers World to help found a new coalition, Troops Out Now! The recent split doesn't seem to have been about anything substantive, but the tactical question of whether to support WWP's presidential ticket last year or to acquiesce to the left's anybody but Bush (meaning pro-Kerry) position. Behind this question seems to be a turf war between WWP cadre in New York and San Francisco, the party's two principal power bases. The breakaway faction, based mostly in San Francisco, is calling itself the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Troops Out Now!, which endorsed the Sept. 24 march, remains based at the International Action Center's New York offices.