The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98986   Message #1966898
Posted By: Azizi
13-Feb-07 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: Songs from Kids Shows, that you remember
Subject: RE: Songs from Kids Shows, that you remember
Howdie Doody:
I remember the words and tune "It's Howdie Doody Time" {repeat 2x} But that's all I can remember from that song and not that much from the program itself.

Mickey Mouse Club:
I always liked it when Donald Duck interrupted and said his name when the Musketters were singing the M-I-C-K-E-Y song And I liked the "Y" part "Why, because we love you" and then they would end with M-O-U-S E-.

I also liked that the week on that series was divided into specific themes for each particular day. My favorite day was Thursday...I think that was "Adventure Day". I still remember the words & the tune to the first part of that day's song:
"This is the day that is filled with excitement. Nobody knows whata going to happen".

It's interesting that I liked this day of all the others, since I don't think of myself as an adventurous person in real life...

Cartoon {I can't remember the name}:
I don't even remember the name of this cartoon, but I remember very well its plot and the main song that goes with it. The central character is a some kind of animal-but he's portrayed as a boy.This boy likes to sing and wants to be a star, but his father wants him to work at a real job. And so the boy goes off down the road singing "I like to singa/I like to singa/about the moon-ah and the june-ah and the spring-ah/because I love you/I love to sing". I think the boy eventually enters a talent contest and wins singing that song and his father reunites with him and they live happily ever after.

Does anyone else remember this cartoon?

Sesame Street:
I think the songwriters on this show are soooo creative. I think the songs I like best are the theme song itself:
Here's the song as I remember it without looking it up:
Sunny days sweeping the time away
On our way to where the air is free
Won't you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame street?

I also liked the "C is for Cookie" and "I'm Sammy The Snake And I Look Like The Letter S" songs.

And I remember this song "One of these things are not like the other/one of these things just doesn't below/can you tell which thing is not like the other/before we stop singing this song

I was impressed that the producers of the show changed the song because they received comments that the way it was the song may have inadvertently taught children that people who looked different didn't belong together. But I can't remember the words of the song that took it's place.

Electric Company:
I believe that this show was taken off the air much too song. It was geared to elementary school age children and I still remember some of its theme song:
HEY YOU GUUUUYS/ We going to bring you the power! ?????
We're the Electric Company-ee, The Electric Company-ee

Hmmm. I guess I don't remember it as much as I thought I did.

But one character I do remember is the one that was played by Morgan Freeman. He was "Easy Reader" His song was "Easy Reader, that's my name. Reading readers {?} that's my game.

This was also a great show-I don't know if it's still on. A group of children played imaginative and creative games that other children sent in. I think the words to that show's theme song is: "We're gonna zoom zoom zooma zooma/we're gonna zooma zooma zomma zonna. Come on, give it a try/we're gonna show you just why/we're gonna teach you how to fly HIGH/come on and zoom/come on and zoom"

Or something like that...

Mr. Rogers Neighborhood
[This show was produced in Pittsburgh, and since I live in that city, I couldn't write about children's songs and not mention Mr. Rogers, now could I?]
The Mr. Roger's thems song {as I remember it}
It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood
It's a beautiful day for a neighborbor
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
I have always wanted to have a neighbor
just like you.
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood
with you.
So let's make the most of this beautiful day
since we're together we might as well say
won't you please
won't you be my neighbor?

[by now Mr. Rogers would have taken off his jacket, put on his sweater, taken off his shoes[why ??], and put on his tennis shoes {sneakers} [why??] And then he would say

"Hi Neighbor!"

And all the teeny weenie children around the nation who were watching him would say "Hi" back to him.

I certainly helped my children say "hi" to Mr. Rogers. Of course, by the time they were four years old or so, they thought that program was too babyish for them.

But it was a good beginning and probably was better than the tv shows I grew up on, inspite of my good memories of some of them.