The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98901   Message #1967252
Posted By: GUEST,civilian_contractor_in_iraq
14-Feb-07 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: Obit: KBR employee dies in Iraq (Feb 2007)
Subject: RE: Obit: KBR employee dies
it is a sad state of affairs when any moron can spout worthless, unsubstantiated accusations and descriptions that they have no idea about... you cannot argue a point you have no understanding of or basis for... the civilian version of the purple heart mentioned above (the defense of freedom medal) is not reserved for kbr employees killed or wounded in iraq or the me/ca thaeter, but for any civilian providing a support function to any branch of service in any part of the world... and yes, we are over here for own reasons, some are here to make enough money to provide better lives and futures for families back home, some are here because they feel drawn to the expat or military lifestyle, some to be near a family member serving in the armed forces... but to classify us all as 'war profiteers' is an inaccurate and totally false stereotype... at best, most of us will earn 3 times what we would in 1 yr in the states... we are not getting rich nor will we be able to retire when we demobilize... if you have not done so already, please read the interview with kbr vp paul cerjan conducted by pbs here before continuing to talk about shiat you do not understand...