The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98915   Message #1967547
Posted By: kendall
14-Feb-07 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Positive things about US presidents
Subject: RE: BS: Positive things about US presidents
I was born right in the middle of the great depression. FDR saw what had to be done and he did it. Can you see what would have happened if he had not been so courageous?
What the republicans said about the depression and what FDR said sums it all up for me.
Republicans..."This depression will cure itself in the long run."
FDR..........."People don't EAT in the long run."

Neither Hoover nor any other republican had a clue what to do, and actually, FDR came in without a plan of his own. He simply knew that something HAD to be done, so he called in people who DID know what to do.
I and my siblings ate because my father had a job with the WPA, and that was just the beginning which you wouldn't be interested in I'm sure.

Here is an old quote from the greatest republican, Abe Lincoln. When he was asked which is more important, labor or capital, he said "Capital is the result of labor, therefor, labor is more important." I'm too lazy to look it up so I paraphrased him.