The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19303   Message #196786
Posted By: Wincing Devil
17-Mar-00 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: eBay experiences vs Local Music Store
Subject: RE: EBAY experiences vs Local Music Store
HMT used to be an excellent source for folk music CDs. Now they've cut back on the CD collection, featuring only local folksies. I like to go in and absorb the music. The ONLY source I've ever had for the only instrument I play, the Nose Flute.

the problem with Ebay is that you never know if you're gonna get what you want. Some of the auctions are over 10 days long! And the bullsh*t about reserve prices will drive you nuts. My wife has had sellers email her about the item that she was second highest on, offering to sell it for her bid. That's good for the seller & buyer, but ebay says that they will clamp down on it.

CAVEATREAD THE DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY! don't buy anything unless there's a picture of what your getting.

What do you mean you "Formatted the Cat"???