The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99015   Message #1968009
Posted By: Donuel
14-Feb-07 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's goose is cooked
Subject: RE: ?
for some reason only a part of my initial post appeared
here it is in its entirety

Commercials and "swift boating campaigns" are already in production.

Last week the first foul shot across his bow was an ingenius whispering campaign that Barak was educated by muslim terrorists since the age of 6 and that the Hillary campaign hired the dectectives who found out about his terrorist education past.
This is currently belived by about 10% of the people who heard the rumor. With proper repeatition it can be believed by 33% or more.

The current campaign against him is coming from hired blacks who claim that Obama is not black or an African American. A little pamphlet sized book is currently for sale that reads like it was hatched in one weekend from the American Heritage think tank.

During an interview Obama's wife was asked if she worried if Obama would be asassinated since he was both a black man and a populist candidate ( you see All populist presidents have been shot although some survived like Teddy Roosevelt)
She answered that "a black man in America can be shot just going to the gas station and we will not live in fear.
Conservatives like Tucker Clarson said that its a lie that black people get shot anymore than anyone else in America and that some one would have to prove otherwise.

The Australian PM (hand seleted by Rupert Murdoch and political clone of W) said while seated next to a grinning Bush Jr. said, sic "Obama would be a disgraceful presidential candidate that would destabilize the middle east and cause chaos and disaster."
Obama responded that If Howard is so ginned up to escalate this illegal war, Howard should send his own troops to suffer this failed strategy."

The NEXT campaign against him will feature what looks like the Aflac goose standing in front of an unflattering photo of Obama quacking " Half Black Half Black Half Black !!!!!!!!"

This will inspire white racists as well as racist blacks.

Next there will be mailings that insinuate that on top of admitted cocaine abuse Obama is still suffering from an addiction of Heroin proportions.

Finally what will cook his goose , just like Harold Ford, will be the allegation of Obama having sexual intercourse with white women.
They may even get a few whores to go on camera and describe his penis the same way they did with Bill Clinton.

of course smear tactics are despicable but we all know that politics is the steering of EMOTIONS for the power to steer profits into designated pockets.