The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98798   Message #1968739
Posted By: fat B****rd
15-Feb-07 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: British Rock n Roll
Subject: RE: British Rock n Roll
You can find bits of all those 'orrible British pop films on Youtube.
Cliff Bennett and co. used to play Rock'n'roll but with the horns they easily moved to Soul through Ray Charles (Sticks and Stones etc) and stuff that was pretty obscure at the time. When I was a soulboy we used to do his version of The Drifter's (USA) "I'll take you home" and "One way love" He went "Hairy" with a band called Toefat with an alubm with a revolting cover.
I just thought that on the subject of early British Rock'n'roll I must mention Lord Sutch. For all his antics he had some great bands.
Cyril Davies more or less stole one lot of Savages.