The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99034   Message #1968807
Posted By: GUEST,Teachers Pet
15-Feb-07 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: Why does 'folk' attract so many teachers
Subject: Why does 'folk' attract so many teachers
I am not disparaging teachers, just a question which has niggled at me for some time.
In any folk gathering (UK) I have attended the majority will be connected with teaching/education. Spouses, siblings, friends or working directly in education. I attended a festival and photographed the group I was with and later realised that of the fourteen persons in the photo, twelve were directly connected to teaching (I am not but sister and many in-laws are).
Any other gathering there may be one / two but no-where near the ratio in folk.
This has crossed my mind many times in the past and wondered if any mudcatters could explain.

(I am a member but dont want to risk upsetting my mudcat teaching friends who may mis-interpret my intent which is purely educational)