The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99015   Message #1969069
Posted By: Barry Finn
15-Feb-07 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's goose is cooked
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's goose is cooked
I think it's criminal that it's just Feb of 2007 & all the focus is on a campain that's gonna happen in Nov of 2008 more that a year & a half, give us a break, please. I know they need the early jump for campain money but I'd rather limit the money & where it comes from & get on with the business of running/ruining the country now & see how they do for the next year. Th next year is gonna need & take all the best of what we've got to survive, let's see who's gonna shine first. Fine, annonce that they're running & get back to the job at hand. I'd like to see Hillary & Obama but I don't like their stall on the war, I want to see more of what they're doing now & less of what they're gonna do latter. Let the 1/2 Black shit & the Swift Boater's trash sink in the mean time, that's all a waste of air space & they're only preahing to their choirs. It's even troublesome that any of this deserves any air play. Let their actions speak while they can. We can wallow though the stink later & the less time spent on it the better. DOn't drag this out, it only hurts us all.
