The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98749   Message #1969364
Posted By: dianavan
16-Feb-07 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Subject: RE: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Hey Local - There is no link between mercury and autism. That has been disproven. Correlation is not causation.

It seems that Canada, too, is urging parents to vaccinate their daughters. It is not yet mandatory and the parents must pay for the vaccine.

I don't see how it can be made mandatory unless it is covered universally. As someone pointed out earlier, if parents have to pay for the vaccine, it amounts to discrimination of the parents with girls.

Perhaps while the government is chewing on the question, we will have the results of the long term effects - That is if we have any
studies going on presently. I would be wary of using my daughter for experimental purposes. Basically, the jury is still out and Texas may be jumping the gun to give the drug company a bit of publicity especially if its a case of 'I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine.'

Don't forget that when pharmaceutical companies develop vaccines and drugs they start by identifying a target group and proceed accordingly. First it was working mothers (valium), then it was the sons of working mothers (ritalin) and now its all female children. There is alot of money to be made from a vaccine that has not been thoroughly tested.

Proceed with caution.