The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98986   Message #1969403
Posted By: Jeanie
16-Feb-07 - 03:29 AM
Thread Name: Songs from Kids Shows, that you remember
Subject: RE: Songs from Kids Shows, that you remember
Goodbye from Willum and me,
We'll see you another day,
It's time for us to go,
And the cat went fiddle-ay-dee....

("Pussy Cat Willum Show" - with Wally Whyton).

There's a party here today,
There's a party here today,
I can tell it by your smiling face,
There's a party here today.

("Willum's Tea Party" - ditto Wally Whyton, and - I think - also Bert Weedon. This show also starred Olly Beak (the owl) and Fred Barker (the dog).

Also another show (don't know the name) with Shirley Abacair (zither lady) singing "Little boy fishing off a wooden pier."

I still quite often sing the Pussy Cat Willum songs quietly to myself in idle moments. Sad, eh ?

- jeanie