The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94530   Message #1970308
Posted By: Maryrrf
16-Feb-07 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: Loughstock, Norn Iron gathering 2007
Subject: RE: Loughstock, Norn Iron gathering 2007
Well I am back home after a very music packed week! Portaferry was grand. Too bad about the "invaders" who came into Fiddler's on Saturday night, but the conservatory at Barholm was so nice that I think we should just hold the Saturday night concert/sessions there next year.   And the quiet Sunday singing session at Dumigans was just the way to cap off the weekend. It was so nice to meet Gizmo after chatting so much, and also to meet Liz and Manitas, Skipjack, Oaklet, and Gunna (aka Mrs. Skarpi!)as well as new Mudcatter Gulliver (really enjoyed his singing). I was happy to have a chance to see two old friends, Chris Caldwell and Stevie Mulholland who came by on Friday and played some tunes. There are too many highlights to list -I enjoyed it ALL - including the aquarium (a bargain at 20p!) and the drive Leadfingers and I took with the Skarpis where we saw St. Patrick's grave and hiked a little bit around the Mountains of Mourne. Of course my holiday didn't end there - I had some time in London where Terry escorted me around to the folk "hot spots" - Maidenhead, Herga and Sharps! I did get manage to take in a bit of non-music culture - spent an afternoon with Terry and LTS at the Victoria and Albert Museum. I only wish I could have stayed longer - it was all over much too soon!