The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99087   Message #1970377
Posted By: katlaughing
17-Feb-07 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
Well, might as well...the list is dwindling at our house, but we still love our "keepers" who are:

Merlee - McNab Border Collie (shorter than with shorter hair than, and not nearly as yappie, as Border Collies, with wicked loyalty) found outside a grocery store which he had been sneaking into each time a customer activated the automatic doors, then begging food off the deli person. He's black and white and I was NOT going to keep him, but Rog thought he'd be a good dog and he really perked up our old German Shepherd/Doberman mix, the late Shu Montu aka "Montee," so he got to stay and as far as Rog and I are concerned, if we ever have another dog, which I am sure we will, it wil be another McNab. Never known a smarter dog.We've been kind of watching for a breeder, see if we could find a young'un so's Merls could bring him up right before he passes. We figure he's about 11 or 12 by now. Still going strong and always ready for pasta.

Trystan - grey tabby - King of the Walk, my baby and a terrible bully to any who let him get away with it. He is a loverboy with me...settles on my pillow next to my ear and purrs me to sleep.He must be about 10 or so now, too. Acts like a kitten almost always. Found in the wheel well of a pickup truck, yelling loudly for rescue.

Kipling - beautiful Siamese, also rescued. He is so gorgeous and funny. Very much a "you touch me when I say so" kind of cat. With patience, after all of these years, about two years ago, he finally started sleeping on our bed and let me pet him as he sleeps, but he turns into a martial arts champion whenever I try to pick him up and he must weigh about 12-14 pounds, all of it muscle. We've had him since about 1997 or so, so he's about the same age as Trys. THIS year, he has consented to actually come sit on my lap, TWICE, but left as soon as I moved. I have the feeling he would be even chummier if he was on "only" cat, but at least has accepted that we are not axe-murderers and he can be safe within our home. Obvious early kittenhood issues there.:-)

We love our Keepers very much.
