The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99110   Message #1970861
Posted By: GUEST
17-Feb-07 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
Subject: RE: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
Although a regular here. I will remain a GUEST for this post, if that's OK.
Having never been a solo performer, but have always played in duos, trios, quartets, and more, it's a bit of a toughie. My current band (a UK trio), because of where we live. (Kent, Wiltshire, Leics) have the problem that, wherever we perform in the country, it involves (on average) a round trip, between us, of at least 1000 miles.
Last year, we were offered a one-off gig Newcastle way for £150. Wouldn't even cover the petrol.
Lovely people, probably would have been a great gig.
But financial suicide!! (and three days out of all our lives to boot)

A previous poster above, couldn't understand why people would pay a pittance to see their favourite artists in a pub (and be really pissed off if they were charged more), have a chat with them, etc, etc..(surely the best way to get involved), but would happily pay twice or sometimes three times as much to see the same perfomer 200 yards away, with a rubbish sound system, and no hope of meeting said "Star".

Sorry, the UK club scene is dying, because it's consisently failed to keep it's door pricing policy in line with inflation over the past two decades. (With a few wonderful exceptions).

For Gods sake, Mr Carthy for a fiver on the door in your local pub, and you can discuss guitar techniques with him in the interval? The South Bank would sting you for £20. (And overpriced rubbish lager)

Way back in the 1970's. John Kirkpatrick wrote a song called "What do you do in the day?" What do think that was about?

If you can find a copy of it, all you club organisers. LISTEN WELL TO IT.

Then put your door prices up.

As the countess says, as musicians, we don't get a reduction on our mortgages or at the till in Tescos.