The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99092   Message #1971183
Posted By: Azizi
17-Feb-07 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Oh Freedom, Oh, Freedom
Subject: RE: Origins: Oh Freedom, Oh, Freedom
Somewhat off topic:

An example of a floating verse found in both religious and non-religious songs is:

If you get there before I do,
Then praise the Lord, I'm coming too

[or "tell my friends I'm coming too"]

This verse is found in thread.cfm?threadid=99117&messages=12#1971115

Variations of these lyrics are found in a Bo Diddley song whose title I can't remember now:

"If I get to heaven before you do
I'll try to poke a hole and pull you through".

"If you aren't there by judgment day
then I'll know, baby, you went the other way."


I believe that there was a line used as a refrain between each of these lines-maybe its the title of the song...