The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99119   Message #1971208
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
17-Feb-07 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Knitting Circles
Subject: RE: BS: Knitting Circles
I am surrounded by (unfinished) knitting projects! And wool & other lovely yarns as I'm a compulsive collector of beautiful yarns (& lots of other stuff).

My addiction is coathanger covers. I started doing them when I ran out of coathangers mid winter due to excessive number of long sleeved black cotton t-shirts that needed hanging. So I bought a packet of satin covered hangers & stuff stared sliding off.

So it was out with the needles & yarns & off I went. 5mm needles, 8-ply/double knitting/equivilent yarns with 15 stiches of garter stitch this long (stretching knitting from one shoulder to other) & there it is, a wonderful cover. Experience showed that thinner yarns use 20 stitches.

I've made several dozen, my wardrobe is full, & they made wonderful presents as I use the most decorative yarns I can find!

I belong to a craft group where several members knit, but I don't belong to any knitting circles, tho I have looked at them. I'm a very loose knitter & often just knit to occupy my hands when collecting money at concerts & dances.

One of my colleagues joined one when she started knitting while she was dancing in Riverdance. It filled the time between gigs & led to many friends in Oz & overseas who swapped squares for blankets. She also creates beautiful baby clothes for friends. Her latest project was warm woolly scarves to send to cold friends living in London. The last piece I saw her working on was a similar scarf for herself as she decided to live in London & left last week!

Doing any creative craft with others is a great way to share.
