The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99110   Message #1971433
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
18-Feb-07 - 06:51 AM
Thread Name: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)
Subject: RE: Performers fees (% or flat fee?)

Countess Richard- I don't believe you're a real folk performer. I've never met any performer as rude as you

Never said I was. It's many a long year since I got up there for money and so I am free to make whatever comment I like on the parlous state of the industry. I have not, however, actually mey any organiser quite as rude, patronising and unaware as some of the stuff that's come out here. Not to my face, anyway.


Oh bugger, and I thought it was you who was Guest No 2 and we were set to live happily ever after. How disappointing . . . (hehe).